in Algorithms
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Given n linearly ordered distinct elements. What is the worst case running time to find ith  smallest element (1<=i<=n) from those n elements? 

a) O(log n)

b) O(n)

c) O(n log n)

d) O(n2)

in Algorithms

3 Answers

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Linearly ordered elements means that all elements are arranged or listed  have a particular relation. These elements can also be called as Partially ordered set(POSET). Ex:  $a\leq b\leq c$ or $a\geq b\geq c$.

ith smallest element can be found by sorting. Best case here is if the elements are in a  relation $a\leq b\leq c$ i.e when all elements are sorted in asc order. Retrieving ith smallest element would take constant time. But here we need worst case. Worst case scenario would be when elements have are in  $a\geq b\geq c$ i.e when elements are in desc order. So we need to sort the elements in asc order and then find  ith element. Best sorting algorithms take O(n log n) time. 

So worst case time complexity for this problem would be, option C :  O(n log n)

1 comment

Does nt it is the application of randomized quicksort in randomized quicksort when elements are in increasing order or decreasing order it is a worst case of randomized quicksort it should  be o(n^(2)) correct if I am wrong
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1 comment

Can u explain how is it O(n).
Because below no one explain right thing .
If linearly order mean sorted doesn't matter asc or Dec Time complexity should be constant.
If not sorted than it goes to nlogn.
How is n possible ???
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The worst case for this would be to traverse the array from i = 1 to n and stop when you've found the number equal to or greater than the number you're searching for.

Time Complexity: O(n)


But here it is given that array is linearly ordered. does it mean array is sorted ? 

I think O(n) but if it is already sorted time complexity is O(1)
how can u compare if we dont know the ith smallest element??say 3rd smallest number which we have 2 find not given by user.
we are searching for iTH small element which we dun know yet,so how can we search and stop at a particular point without knowing the number