in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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Which one of the sentence sequences in the given options creates a coherent narrative?

  1. I could not bring myself to knock.
  2. There was a murmur of unfamiliar voices coming from the big drawing room and the door was firmly shut.
  3. The passage was dark for a bit, but then it suddenly opened into a bright kitchen.
  4. I decided I would rather wander down the passage.


  1. $\text{(iv), (i), (iii), (ii)}$
  2. $\text{(iii), (i), (ii), (iv)}$
  3. $\text{(ii), (i), (iv), (iii)}$
  4. $\text{(i), (iii), (ii), (iv)}$
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 7 months ago by Arjun

1 Answer

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Answer – C

There was a murmur of unfamiliar voices coming from the big drawing room and the door was firmly shut.

I could not bring myself to knock.

I decided I would rather wander down the passage.

The passage was dark for a bit, but then it suddenly opened into a bright kitchen.

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