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NTA PhD Entrance Examination CS  2023| Part 2  Question-17

Question No. 17 / Question ID 974064
Marks: 4.00
Consider four processes W, X, Y, Z being scheduled on a CPU as per Round Robin algorithm with a time quantum of 2 units. Also, the respective processing times and arrival times (in $\mathrm{ms}$ ) are tabulated as following:
\hline Process & Processing Time & Arrival Time \\
\hline W & 4 & 6.001 \\
\hline X & 6 & 0.000 \\
\hline Y & 5 & 1.001 \\
\hline$Z$ & 4 & 5.001 \\

Consider following statements regarding the waiting time (rounded off to the nearest hundred) :
Statement $\mathrm{I}$ : Waiting time for $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Z}$ are equal.
Statement II: Waiting time for $\mathrm{Y}$ and $\mathrm{W}$ are equal.
Select correct answer from the following options:
1. Statement I is True but Statement II is False
2. Statement I is False but Statement II is True
3. Both Statement I and Statement II are True
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are False
2 (Chosen Option)

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