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If |x| < 1. Find the sum to infinity of the series $3 + 8x + 13x^2 + 18x^3 + ----- \infty$

  1. $(3+2x)/(1-x^2)$
  2. $(3-2x)/(1+x^2)$
  3. $(2x-3)/(1-x^2)$
  4. $(3+2x)/(1+x^2)$


in Mathematical Logic

1 Answer

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Series, S  = $3 + 8x + 13x^2 + 18x^3 + ------\infty$  → Eq (1)

            xS = $3x + 8x^2 + 13x^3 + 18x^4 + ------\infty$  → Eq(2)

Let us subtract Eq (2) from Eq(1) [1 – 2]

S – xS = 3 + [ 5x + $5x^2 + 5x^3 + ------ \infty $

S [1 – x] = 3 + 5 [ x + $x + x^2 + x^3 + ----- \infty $

Infinite series, $(a/1-r)$

= S [1-x] = 3 + 2x and S = $(3+2x)/(1-2x^2)$
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