in CO and Architecture retagged by
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Which kind of data dependence can cause data hazards in a single-core, pipelined, in-order processor? (Mark all that apply.)

  1. read-after-write dependence
  2. write-after-read dependence
  3. write-after-write dependence
  4. read-after-read dependence
in CO and Architecture retagged by

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$ \large{\colorbox{yellow}{Detailed video solution of this question with direct time stamp}}$
All India Mock Test 2 - Solutions Part 3


1 Answer

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Detailed Video Solution:

Proof that WAW $\&$ WAR hazards are NEVER possible in an in-order pipeline:

WAW (write after write), and WAR (write after read) hazards are not an issue in our pipeline (in-order pipeline) because we never change the order of instructions while executing them. A preceding instruction is always ahead of a succeeding instruction in the pipeline. This is an example of an in-order pipeline. In-order pipeline simply executes instructions in the sequence they appear in the program $\&$ If instruction $\text{I}$ comes before instruction $\text{J}$ in the program then during execution in the pipeline, $\text{I}$ always stays ahead of the instruction $\text{J}.$

In comparison, modern processors have out-of-order pipelines that may execute instructions in different orders than they appear in the program.

In an in-order pipeline (such as our MIPS $5$-stage pipeline), a preceding instruction is always ahead of a succeeding instruction in the pipeline.

Modern processors use out-of-order pipelines that break this rule and it is possible for later instructions to execute before earlier instructions.  

WAW and WAR hazards are relevant only for modern out-of-order processors.

Pipeline Complete Course Playlist:

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