in Quantitative Aptitude retagged by
4 votes
4 votes

Each of $a, b, c$, and $d$ is a positive integer and is greater than $3.$ If
then which ordering of these four numbers is correct?

  1. $a\lt b\lt c\lt d$
  2. $c\lt b\lt a\lt d$
  3. $b\lt a\lt c\lt d$
  4. $b\lt c\lt a\lt d$
in Quantitative Aptitude retagged by

1 comment

The number that has to be deduced is more obviously the greatest so that makes d then a then only they became equal and if you are adding something to make equal with others then obviously that number will be smaller so then b is smallest.

2 Answers

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1 vote
We can take an example also:

Let’s say we want this,

$a,b,c\;\&\;d$ are positive integer and $>3$.
$\therefore a=11, b=7,c=8,d=12$

So, $7<8<11<12$


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0 votes
Best way is to eliminate the options

a=b+4 we can conclude that b<a.Option A is not the answer

a=c+3 .so c<a

a=d-1 . from this we can say a<d.

now we’ll compare b with c and d.

b=c-1 means b<c. Now we got the relation among a,b,c i.e. b<c<a. And as a<d .so we can conclude that b<c<a<d i.e. Option D is answer

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