in Databases recategorized by
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Consider a relation R:
& R(U, V, W, X, Y, Z) \\
& F=\left\{
    U \rightarrow V \\
    U \rightarrow W \\
    WX \rightarrow Y \\
    WX \rightarrow Z \\
    V \rightarrow X
From the above set of functional dependencies, determine which additional functional dependency can be deduced. Which of the following options is correct?
  1. $VW \rightarrow U$
  2. $VW \rightarrow Y$
  3. $VW \rightarrow YZ$
  4. $WX \rightarrow YZ$
in Databases recategorized by

1 Answer

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$(VW)^+ = (V , W , X ,Y, Z )$

$(WX)^+ = (W , X, Y, Z)$

So options B, C, D are correct.

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