in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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6 votes

The positive integers are arranged in rows and columns, as shown, and described below.

The odd numbered rows list six positive integers in order from left to right beginning in column B. The even numbered rows list six positive integers in order from right to left beginning in column $\mathrm{F}$.
What is the row and column in which the integer 5000 appears?

  1. row $=835$, column $=\mathrm{E}$
  2. row $=834$, column $=\mathrm{E}$ (old row = 836)
  3. row $=837$, column $=\mathrm{D}$
  4. row $=837$, column $=\mathrm{E}$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes
To find the approximate row in which 5000 appears, we divide 5000 by 6 . Since $\frac{5000}{6}=833 \frac{1}{3}$, and $6 \times 833=4998$, then the largest integer in row 833 is 4998 . Therefore, row 834 contains the next six consecutive integers from 4999 to 5004. (We can check this by recognizing that $6 \times 834=5004$.) Thus, the integer 5000 appears in row 834 . Next, we recognize that all even numbered rows list the largest integer in the row beginning in column A through to the smallest integer in column F.

Since row 834 is an even numbered row, then the integers are listed in the order $5004,5003,5002,5001,5000,4999$, with 5004 beginning in column A.

Therefore, the integer 5000 appears in row 834, column E.
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while giving exam option B as 836 so most people marked option A as the closest answer
Yes Option B had typo, in that case GATE will give marks to all.

@shadymeee, we have made it "Marks to all" as no option was correct. But now the question has been corrected. 

sir...suppose any wrong qus came in gate.And then I did not mark it because of negative marking...then will they give marks to all?...or only those who have attempted that?

@Sani Das, If no option is correct, then it will be "Marks to ALL" whether you mark it or not. But I suggest to mark the best possible option that you fine, Or the closest option that you think. 


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