in Analytical Aptitude edited by
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In the $4 \times 4$ array shown below, each cell of the first three rows has either a cross $(X)$ or a number.

The number in a cell represents the count of the immediate neighboring cells (left, right, top, bottom, diagonals) NOT having a cross ( $X$ ). Given that the last row has no crosses $(X)$, the sum of the four numbers to be filled in the last row is

  1. $11$
  2. $10$
  3. $12$
  4. $9$
in Analytical Aptitude edited by

3 Answers

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The last row will look like this and the sum is 11.


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How the last row is calculated? Let's assume that last rows has $x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4$ elements.

  1. Neighbour's $(x_1)=3,x_2$, it has 2 neighbour so value= $2$.
  2. Neighbour's $(x_2)=3,6,x_1,x_3$, it has $4$ neighbour so value= $4$.
  3. Neighbour's $(x_3)=6,x_2,x_4$, it has $3$ neighbour so value= $3$
  4. Neighbour's $(x_4)=6,x_3$, it has $2$ neighbour so value= $2$

So value $(x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4)=2+4+3+2=11$

Option $(A)$ is correct.


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