in Mathematical Logic edited by
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3 votes

For each of these sentences, determine whether an inclusive or, or an exclusive or, is intended. Explain your answer.

  1. Experience with C++ or Java is required.
  2. Lunch includes soup or salad.
  3. To enter the country you need a passport or a voter registration card.
  4. Publish or perish.
in Mathematical Logic edited by

3 Answers

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5 votes
Best answer

a. Experience with C++ or Java is required : Inclusive OR 
b. Lunch includes soup or salad : Exclusive OR 
c. To enter the country you need a passport or a voter registration card : Inclusive OR 
d. Publish or perish : Exclusive OR


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why B is Exclusive OR??

For option B it is Exclusive OR because :

The lunch comes with either soup or salad but never with soup and salad.

You can pick only one choice. You cannot have both as a freebie with your lunch otherwise, you pay an extra charge to have an additional item.

So, it is an exclusive, rather than an inclusive.


But if someone wants soup and salad too, then Inclusive OR is  right.

If it is Inclusive OR, then you can take soup or salad or both. If it an Exclusive OR, then you can take soup or salad but not both. Since both of these deserts are of the same type. surely the exclusive or was intended.

Here is a similar example from Kenneth Rosen(Page 5),

when a menu at a restaurant states, “Soup or salad comes with an entree,”

the restaurant almost always means that customers can have either soup or salad, but not both.
Hence, this is an exclusive, rather than an inclusive, or.
6 votes
6 votes

Inclusive OR : When at least one of the predicates is $True$  $[$ V  $,  \ + ]$

Exclusive OR : Either of the predicates is $True$ but not $both$  $[ \ ⊕ \ ,  \ ⊻ \ ]$


A. Experience with C++ or Java is required $:$ 

At least one of them are required $\Rightarrow$ Inclusive OR


B. Lunch includes soup or salad $:$

Soup or Salad any of them is required, if both present still no problem  $\Rightarrow$ Inclusive OR 




Source: Rosen 7th Edition – Page No. 5


$*$ So according to this it will be $\Rightarrow$ Exclusive OR 


C. To enter the country you need a passport or a voter registration card $:$

Atleast one of them is needed $\Rightarrow$ Inclusive OR 


D. Publish or perish $:$

These are two Opposite / Contradictory statement, so any one of them can be true but not Both $\Rightarrow$ Exclusive OR 


5 votes
5 votes

Inclusive OR : A or B or Both
Exclusive OR : Either A or B but NOT both

a. Experience with C++ or Java is required : Inclusive OR
b. Lunch includes soup or salad : Inclusive OR
c. To enter the country you need a passport or a voter registration card : Inclusive OR

d. Publish or perish : Exclusive OR


what is the rule followed for getting the answer?
sir, for Experience with C++ or Java is required : Only C++ allowed, only JAVA people also allowed as well as People with both (C++ and JAVA) experience also allowed.
same for other options.

For option D i.e. Publish or perish. Both are complementary to each other so any one is possible. 
yes, but its very difficult to make someone not knowing English well, understand this rt?
for option b exclusive or .

when a menu at a restaurant states, “Soup or salad comes with an entrée,” the
restaurant almost always means that customers can have either soup or salad, but not both.
Hence, this is an exclusive, rather than an inclusive, or.

Kenneth H. Rosen  chapter one page 5

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