in Set Theory & Algebra edited by
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3 votes
Let $G$ be a connected graph. For a vertex $x$ of $G$ we denote by $G−x$ the graph formed by removing $x$ and all edges incident on $x$ from $G$. $G$ is said to be good if there are at least two distinct vertices $x, y$ in $G$ such that both $G − x$ and $G − y$ are connected.

Show that for any subgraph $H$ of $G$, $H$ is good if and only if $G$ is good.
in Set Theory & Algebra edited by

1 Answer

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1 vote
Every graph is a good graph. The proof is given below.

Suppose p be an maximal path in the graph G.
Let u and v be its end points.
Since p is the maximal path in the graph G all the neighbours of u and v will be on the path p.
So, if we remove either u or v from the path p then the neighbours of u or the neighbours of v remain connected through the path p.

Hence, after removing u or v from G the graph G remains connected.
Hence, for any graph we will get at least two vertices which are not cut vertices.

Hence every graph is a good graph (proved).

Now, in the question it is asked to prove the proposition

PROPOSITION :- A subgraph H of G is a good graph iff G is a good graph.

Now, according to the theorem ( Every graph is a good graph) we have both sides of the above proposition as true. (That is both sides of iff).

So, the above proposition is always true (proved).
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1)U mean atlast path length will be $p-2$ , right?

2)Suppose p is path length 2 , means this x----------u------------y

Now if we remove x and y , is it still connected?

@Kushagra Chatterjee Still not clear. Plz tell me, what is answer for these two questions?


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