in CO and Architecture edited by
61 votes
61 votes

Consider a machine with a $2$-way set associative data cache of size $64\text{Kbytes}$ and block size $16\text{bytes}$. The cache is managed using $32\;\text{bit}$ virtual addresses and the page size is $4\text{Kbytes}$. A program to be run on this machine begins as follows:

double ARR[1024][1024];
int i, j;
/*Initialize array ARR to 0.0 */
for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 1024; j++)
        ARR[i][j] = 0.0;

The size of double is $8\text{Bytes}$. Array $\text{ARR}$ is located in memory starting at the beginning of virtual page $\textsf{0xFF000}$ and stored in row major order. The cache is initially empty and no pre-fetching is done. The only data memory references made by the program are those to array $\text{ARR}$.

The total size of the tags in the cache directory is:

  1. $32\text{Kbits}$
  2. $34\text{Kbits}$
  3. $64\text{Kbits}$
  4. $68\text{Kbits}$
in CO and Architecture edited by


question belongs to  "virtually tagged virtually indexed cache"
@Arjun Sir
if cache address is managed using physical address then block(main memory)size  and  line size must be same or it can also varies?

Detailed video solution


4 Answers

76 votes
76 votes
Best answer

Number of sets $=\dfrac{\text{cache size}}{\text{size of a set}}$

$=\dfrac{64\ KB}{(16\ B\times 2)}$ (two blocks per set)

$=2\ K=2^{11}$

So, we need $11\text{-bits}$ for set indexing.

Number of WORD bits required $=4$ as a cache block consists of $16\text{ bytes}$ and we need $4\text{-bits}$ to address each of them. 

So, number of tag bits $=32-11-4=17$

Total size of the tag$= 17\times \text{Number of cache blocks}$

$= 17\times 2^{11}\times 2$ (since each set has $2$ blocks)

$=68\text{ Kbits}$

Answer is option D) 68 Kbits

We use the top $17\text{-bits}$ for tag and the next $11\text{-bits}$ for indexing and next $4$ for offset. So, for two addresses to have the same cache index, their $11$ address bits after the $4$ offset bits from right must be same. 

$ARR[0][0]$ is located at virtual address $\text{0x FF000 000. (FF000 is page address and 000 is page offset).}$
So, index bits are $00000000000$

Address of $ARR[0][4]=\text{0xFF000}+4\times \text{sizeof (double)}$
$=\text{0xFF000 000}+4\times 8=\text{0xFF000 020 (32 = 20 in hex)}$ (index bits differ)

Address of $ARR[4][0] =\text{0xFF000}+4\times 1024\times \text{sizeof (double)}$
[since we use row major storage]
$=\text{0xFF000 000}+4096\times 8=\text{0xFF000 000 + 0x8000 = 0xFF008 000}$
( index bits matches that of $ARR [0][0]$ as both read $\text{000 0000 0000}$ )
Address of $ARR[0][5] =\text{0xFF000} + 5\times \text{sizeof (double) = 0xFF000 000}$$+ 5\times 8 =\text{0xFF000 028 (40 = 28 in hex)}$ (index bits differ)

Address of $ARR[5][0] =\text{0xFF000} + 5\times 1024\times \text{ sizeof (double)}$ [since we use row major storage]
$=\text{0xFF000 000}+5120\times 8=\text{0xFF000 000 + 0xA000 = 0xFF00A 000}$ (index bits differ)

So, only $ARR[4][0]$ and $ARR[0][0]$ have the same cache index.

The inner loop is iterating from $0$ to $1023,$ so consecutive memory locations are accessed in sequence. Since cache block size is only $16\text{ bytes}$ and our element being double is of size $8\text{ bytes},$ during a memory access only the next element gets filled in the cache. i.e.; every alternative memory access is a cache miss giving a hit ratio of $50%.$ (If loops $i$ and $j$ are reversed, all accesses will be misses and hit ratio will become $0$ ). 

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@Reena ji,

I calculated the same as you and was confused to see the wrong conclusion. What I understood going through the comments is this method would be right for direct mapped cache. But since this is 2-way set associative, main memory block 2^11mod2^11=0 is colliding with set 0 instead of block 2^12. Please tell me if I got it correctly? So, we have to see which elements are there in 2^11th block which comes out to be row 4. Please reply if this is the reason for wrong calculation.
Here size of cache block is 16 bytes and each element is of size 8 bytes. So each block can have 2 elements of array. Number of WORD bits are 4, so each element access in a block requires 2 bits. Am I right here?

Superb explanation @Arjun Sir !

7 votes
7 votes

Watch this video,it will clear all your doubts.

1 comment

Amazing explanation in that video :)
3 votes
3 votes

Number of lines of cache = $\frac{64\times 2^{10}\ Bytes }{16\ Bytes} = 4096$

It is 2 way set associative so the number of sets =4096/2 = 2048

Each block size is 16B 

Tag Bit bits needed to represent No. of sets block offset
32-11-4 = 17 11 4

no. of tag bits = 17

tag directory size = no. of lines * tag bit size = 17 * 4096 = 69632 B i.e., nearly equal to (D) 68KB

1 vote
1 vote
As per me, we have 1024*1024 elements i.e. a total of 2^20 elements in physical memory. Each such element is of 8 bytes. Each element has its own address which means there are 2^20 addressable units in physical memory.

Now, block size is 16 bytes and element size is 8 bytes. Thus there are 2 elements per block and hence number of blocks is 2^20/2=2^19

2^19 blocks and 2^11 sets means each set can map to 2^19/2^11 different block and thus tag number bits are 8

Number of cache lines = 2^12 = 4K
Number of tag bits = 8 bits

Thus, tag size = 4 K * 8 = 32 Kbits

1 comment

It is already mentioned in question cache is managed using virtual address.

Why are you solving using physical address.

Answer 68KBITS  NOT 32

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