in Mathematical Logic retagged by
2 votes
2 votes

Give a compound proposition involving propositions $p, q$ and $r$ that is true when exactly two of $p, q$ and $r$ are true and is false otherwise

  1. $(p\vee q \wedge \neg r) \wedge (p \wedge \neg q \wedge r) \wedge (\neg p \wedge q \wedge r)$
  2. $(p \wedge q \wedge \neg r) \wedge (p \vee q \wedge \neg r) \wedge (\neg p \wedge q \wedge r)$
  3. $(p \wedge q \wedge \neg r) \vee (p \wedge \neg q \wedge r) \wedge (\neg p \wedge q \wedge r)$
  4. $(p \wedge q \wedge \neg r) \vee (p \wedge \neg q \wedge r) \vee (\neg p \wedge q \wedge r)$
in Mathematical Logic retagged by

1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes

Answer is Option D]


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