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Consider a single perception with weights as given in the following figure:

and $f(t)$ is defined as

$f(t) \bigg\{ 1, t>0 \: 0,  t \leq 0$

The above perception can solve

  1. OR problem
  2. AND problem
  3. XOR problem
  4. All of the above
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1 Answer

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Ans is B  AND problem   the above perceptron after multiplying weights with input will give  1(-1.5)+x.1+y.1 =>f(t)=x+y-1.5

acc to given definition of f(t)  , f(t)=1 if t>0 else f(t)=0

now draw truth table of f(t)

x     y    f(t)

0     0     0           e.g if x=0 y=0 f(t)=-1.5 <0 so f(t)=0 and so on for rest

0     1     0

1     0     0

1      1    1

which is truth table of AND

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