in IS&Software Engineering recategorized
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Equivalence partitioning is a _____ testing method that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.

  1. White box
  2. Black box
  3. Regression
  4. Smoke
in IS&Software Engineering recategorized

1 Answer

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Answer B Black box

Equivalence partitioning

Divides the input domain into classes of data

1.If an input condition specifies a range, define one valid and two invalid equivalence classes

2.If an input condition requires a specific value, define one valid and two invalid equivalence classes.

3.If an input condition specifies a member of a set, define one valid and one invalid equivalence class.

4.If an input condition is Boolean, define one valid and one invalid class.


If one test case in a class detects an error, all test cases in same class will detect that error.


If one test case in a class fails to detect an error, all test cases in same class will fail to detect that error.


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