in Computer Graphics edited by
3 votes
3 votes

What steps shall be required to rotate an object from point $P_1$ (as shown in fig. 1) and its placement such that what was at $P_1$ is now reduced and is at $P_2$ (as shown in fig. 2)?

  1. Translate $P_1$ to origin
  2. Scale as required
  3. Rotate
  4. Translate to the final position $P_2$
    1. I, II and III
    2. II, III and IV
    3. I, III and IV
    4. All of the above
in Computer Graphics edited by

1 Answer

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Option D

it is composite transformation . since we have to do operations based on p1 so translate point p1 to origin

step1: translate point p1 to origin

step2: Rotate 

step 3: scale

step 4: translate to p2

1 comment

@Deepthi_ts I think u r wrong here.

Because we don't need to change the shape of the object here. Therefore, we don't need to scale.

But yes I, III and IV are required for this.


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