in Computer Networks retagged by
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The installation approach in which totally removing the old manual or computerized system and putting the new system in use :

  1. Parallel run
  2. Phased approach
  3. Pilot installation
  4. None of these
in Computer Networks retagged by

2 Answers

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ans is A
Parallel running is one of the ways to change from an existing system to a new one.[1] This conversion takes place as the technology of the old system is outdated so a new system is needed to be installed to replace the old one.[2] The phrase parallel running can refer to the process of changing a fragment of business information technology operation to a new system or to the technique applied by the human resources departments in which the existing staff stay on board during the transition to a new staff. [3]It is one of the strategies for system implementation [4] in which both the old and new systems are running side by side until the users are certain that the new system has no problems. After a period of time, when the system is proved to be working correctly, the old system will be removed completely and users will depend solely on the new system.

Phased method

This is where the old system is still active but parts of the new system or modules are brought online, for example, perhaps just the data entry screens and the printing modules are made available but the 'back end' of the system remains the same. Once any problems are ironed out with the new modules then extra modules will be introduced. Effectively the installation happens in small chunks.

Pilot method

This is where the complete new system is installed and tested in a small number of departments or branches. They then use the system and report their feedback and any issues to the analyst. Once the organisation is confident that the system is working as expected, it will be rolled out across the whole organisation.

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Answer : Option D: None of these. I think the correct answer should be "Big Bang Adoption" or "direct changeover".

There are 4 types of new system installation approach:

            1. Direct Changeover    2. Phased Implementation    3. Parallel Running      4. Pilot Installation

In direct changeover, the full old system is scraped and the entire new system is installed on a single date.

In Phased Implementation, some parts of the old system are removed and replaced by new system. Now the people use the new systems instead of the old systems when that particular task is needed to be performed. If the task can be performed seamlessly using the new systems, more old systems are scraped and replaced by new systems. Thus the change is in phases.

In Parallel Implementation, the entire new system is bought and placed alongside the old system (Contrast this with Phased Implementation where only a fraction of the entire new system is purchased. And this new system replaces the old system). However the new system is not used much initially. Gradually people transition to the new system. After all the people have learnt to use the new system and the new system works perfectly, the old system is removed.

Pilot Installation is like Parallel Implementation only with the difference that all the crew member dont get access to the system initially. There will be a special group who will be assigned the task of educating themselves in the new system and testing it out. They just use this system for learning purposes and not for actually carrying out the task as in parallel implementation. After they have checked it out, they teach the others how to use the new system and the old system is scraped.