in Programming in C
3 votes
3 votes
const int perplexed = 2;
#define perplexed 3
#ifdef perplexed
#undef perplexed
#define perplexed 4

a. 0 b. 2 c. 4  d. none of the above

in Programming in C

1 Answer

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3 votes
Best answer

Lets see how the code works line by line ==>

const int perplexed = 2;

Declares and defines a constant variable perplexed , hence, memory is allocated and stored with value 2 which can't be changed .

#define perplexed 3

Defines a macro , so whenever purplexed occurs , substitute with 3. It doesn't follow scope rules and no memory allocation is done for macro statements.

#ifdef perplexed

This command checks whether a macro purplexed id defined or not. If defined ( returns true ) , directs control to the next line of code.

#ifdef macro

//some code here


This block will be executed only, when ifdef returns true for macro, otherwise fails to compile the block.

#undef perplexed

This command removes the macro puplexed, if it exists and directs the control to the next line of code.

#define perplexed 4

This command redefines the macro purplexed with substitution value = 4.



printf("%d",4 ); 

This will return 4.

#define perplexed 4 ==> If we remove this line , then scope of const int is used. Now printf will print 2.

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