in Quantitative Aptitude
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Study the following table and answer the question based on it.

Expenditures of a Company (in Pesetas) per Annum Over the given Years.

Year Salary Fuel & Transport Bonus Interest on loans Taxes
1998 288 98 3.00 23.4 83
1999 342 112 2.52 32.5 108
2000 324 101 3.84 41.6 74
2001 336 133 3.68 36.4 88
2002 420 142 3.96 49.4 98

The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total expenditure on Fuel and Transport for all the years respectively is approximately?

  1. 4:7
  2. 10:13
  3. 15:18
  4. 5:8
in Quantitative Aptitude

1 Answer

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total Taxes = 83+108+74+88+98 = 451

total fuel and transport = 98+112+101+133+142 = 586


Ratio will be equal to 451/586 = 0.76962

Now check each of the options and find which ratio is equal to the above one, u will get B as the ans.
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