in Study Resources
12 votes
12 votes

This is the 3rd year of GATE Overflow. In the first year only few people were here. But results were awesome as 5+ people got to top 100 and majority were first time takers and from final year.

Last year majority of toppers here were repeaters. Rather many final year students stayed away from here as they might have got frightened by the answering of others.

This time also I suppose more or less of last year is happening. But more than that many people are adding lots of irrelevant and rather STUPID questions here. So, my question is how to clean them? I cannot let them continue this as this is not only affecting those who are asking these but also the innocent new visitors to the site. I have made a new listing:

which shows featured questions and even from any subject. I'll add more questions there and this will be like "absolute needed" for GATE. But this won't help the other mess. The options are

  1. Close all irrelevant or bad questions
  2. Correct them
  3. Add a "bad-question" tag

Also will add a "Mark as Wrong" option for Answers. We cannot hide/delete wrong answers as they might follow good discussion as comments.

in Study Resources


Abcd You mean when they open a question they need to know if it has been seen earlier etc?
yes, but this is not easy to implement I feel. It is easy to maintain a small list. For large list, need to try. Let me see..
Arjun sir. Adding "bad question" tag is better for 2 reasons:

1. You can delete such questions so that valuable server space will be saved.( even duplicate questions should be removed)

2. You need not look into cleaning the mess frequently. We can just have reviewers who really can assess the question type. And once approved by reviewers, such questions can be deleted automatically, periodically.

1 Answer

3 votes
3 votes
Best answer

Previous GATE Tab enabled in Question Pages which shows only previous GATE questions - can be browsed subjectwise.

Questions can now be marked bad - will be shown with a cross meaning it is badly made and one should not waste time on it. Ambiguous questions are not considered bad.

Answers can now be marked wrong - will be shown by a single line over it.

Users can now mark a question as read to quickly skip over it in the question lists.

"Turn Notification On for this Question" is coming.

Turning On Notifications - "Follow Button" is now added. Unfollow is also there, but this does not stop notification from the comments, answers beneath your post.

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OK so that’s a bug. 

If I do tag search then it’s not marked as read but if we access it from directory then it’s marked as read.

Thanks sir for quick response and immediate support.

You’re welcome. Should now work on the search pages too.
Yes sir. Thanks a lot. That saved my day