in Set Theory & Algebra recategorized by
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Which of the following is true?

  • Every lower triangular matrix is group under multiplication operation where all elements of diagonal are non zero numbers.
  • Every diagonal matrix is group under multiplication operation, where all elements of diagonal are non zero numbers.
  • Every matrix is Abelian under addition operation where all elements are real numbers.
  • Both (a) and b)

Why is C incorrect?

in Set Theory & Algebra recategorized by


@gabbar its addition not identity element is 0 and inverse is I(A)= -A
@MADE EASY people are shit
C is also correct. It it was asked for multiplication it would be false, as it can be singular.

1 Answer

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A) Every lower triangular matrix is group under multiplication operation where all elements of diagonal are non zero numbers.

B)Every diagonal matrix is group under multiplication operation, where all elements of diagonal are non zero numbers.

Both are TRUE because Determinant of upper or lower triangular matrix and diagonal matrix is equal to the product of its diagonal elements. As it is given that diagonal elements are non zero it means Determinant of matrix is non zero which in turn means inverse of matrix exists.

As it is monoid and As Inverse of matrix also exists, Hence it is Group.

C) Every matrix is Abelian under addition operation where all elements are real numbers.

It is FALSE because it is not mentioned that Set of matrix is Addition compatible. it is not even closed.


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