in Mathematical Logic
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Suppose that the expectation of a random variable X is 5. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) - There is a sample point at which the X has the value 5.

(B) - There is a sample point at which the X has the value greater than 5.

(C) - There is a sample point at which the X has the value greater than or equal to 5.

(D) - None.

in Mathematical Logic

1 Answer

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Lets consider each option:

option A) This neednt be because there can be a point at which the value of random variable can be greater than 5 but probablity is less than 1.


option B) This neednt be as there can be a signle point whose value is 5 with probablity 1.


option C) If all points have value less than 5, how can the expectation be equal to be ? So, this must be true.


So, answer is option (C).

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