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Consider the following statements:
S1] If a language is decidable then every proper subset of that language is decidable.
S2] If A≤m B and B is a regular language then A is regular.
Which of the following statement/s is/are true

  1.   Only S1 is true
  2.   Only S2 is true
  3.   Both S1 and S2 is true
  4.   None of these

1 Answer

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S2 means Language A is mapping reducible to language to B
But here it is asking for a regular langauge So,if B is regular then A is not always regular...

S1 is false we can take example as A= Σ∗ which is regular and hence decidable and we can take any proper subset of A which is undecidable (like R.E language)
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