in Algorithms edited by
56 votes
56 votes

In the following $C$ program fragment, $j$, $k$, $n$ and TwoLog_n are integer variables, and $A$ is an array of integers. The variable $n$ is initialized to an integer $\geqslant 3$, and TwoLog_n is initialized to the value of $2^*\lceil \log_2(n) \rceil$

for (k = 3;  k <= n; k++)
        A[k] = 0;
for (k = 2; k <= TwoLog_n; k++)
    for (j = k+1; j <= n; j++)
        A[j] = A[j] || (j%k);
for (j = 3; j <= n; j++)
    if (!A[j]) printf("%d", j);

The set of numbers printed by this program fragment is

  1. $\left\{m \mid m \leq n, (\exists i)\left[m=i!\right]\right\}$

  2. $\left\{m \mid m \leq n, (\exists i) \left[m=i^2\right]\right\}$

  3. $\left\{m \mid m \leq n, \text{m is prime} \right\}$

  4. { }

in Algorithms edited by


In geeksforgeeks ans is given as B.

explaination given as :

// Initialize all values as 0

for (k = 3; k < = n; k++)

    A[k] = 0;


for (k = 2; k < = TwoLog_n; k++)

    for (j = k + 1; j < = n; j++)

        // If k divides j, then A[j] is 

        // set as 0, else non-zero

        A[j] = A[j] || (j % k);


// Print all numbers where A[j] is 0

for (j = 3; j < = n; j++)

    if (!A[j]) 

        printf("%d", j);

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Here the inner loop runs till n. Every inner iteration changes contents of A. For first inner iteration A is 1 for even or 0 for odd places. But now after first inner iteration, second outer iteration comes which starts from k+1, content of A are changed again, previous inner iteration after 1 time become meaningless. So, important thing is matching first outer iteration with first inner iteration ONLY. i think TWOLOGN is just to make confuse us
It is whether ceil function or floor function in log2(n) becz in made easy pyq book they have made floor function and here in question ceil function is used ?

7 Answers

39 votes
39 votes
Best answer

The nested loop takes all integers from $2$ to $2\ast \log_2 n$, takes all their non-multiples before $n$, and makes the corresponding entry in $A$ as $1$. For example, for $2$, and $n = 10, A[3], A[5], A[7]$, and $A[9] $are made $1$. Similarly for $3, 4, \ldots$ till $2\ast \log n$. So, if any entry $A[p]$ is $0$ means it must be a multiple of $2, 3, .... 2\ast \log_2 n$, which is $\left ( 2 \log n \right )!$ and is greater than $n$. So, for no index $p$, $A[p]$ will be $0$. So, the answer is D

Suppose the line

A[j] = A[j] || (j%k);

is replaced with

A[j] = A[j] || !(j%k);

Now, the nested loop takes all integers from $2$ to $\log_2 n$, takes all their multiples before $n$, and makes the corresponding entry in $A$ as $1$. For example, for $2$, and $n = 10, A[4], A[6], A[8]$ and $A[10]$ are made $1$. Similarly for $3, 4, ...$ till $2\ast \log n$ . So, for all non-prime indices of $A$, we will have a $1$, and for prime indices, we have a $0$. And we print $j$ if $A[j]$ is $0$ meaning $j$ is prime. 

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@Arjun Sir,

And we print i if A[j] is 0 meaning j is prime. 

 Isn’t we printing j if A[j] is 0.

Thats a typo – fixed now.
@Arjun Sir, wont we get 1 for all numbers no matter prime or not as it is modulo...(it will definetly give some remainder) ex:5%3 =2 5%2=3...please correct me..where i am going wrong
40 votes
40 votes

take n=3 So TwoLog_n=4 . Suppose A[4]


nice answer!!.
how can we say, all other input also give same ans??:(
9 votes
9 votes
Answer: D

The code sets 1 at all array index after A[2].


1 comment

Yes. I have updated the answer :)
7 votes
7 votes

Lets' divide this code to 3 parts.

for (k = 3;  k <= n; k++)
    A[k] = 0;

Above code is assigning value $0$ to array $A$ from index $3$ till $n$. It’s interesting to note that $A[0], A[1], A[2]$ could be garbage values or some integers, but for this particular code, we dont’ need to worry about them. Since, we are operating on index $\geq 3$. 

for (j = 3; j <= n; j++)
    if (!A[j]) printf("%d", j);

We are just printing the values of index $j$ after processing over the array $A[j\geq3]$. Hence above two codes are not contributing to operations over $A$, rather assigning and printing. 

for (k = 2; k <= TwoLog_n; k++)
    for (j = k+1; j <= n; j++)
        A[j] = A[j] || (j%k);

We need to analyze third line of this code. $||$ is logical OR operator which gives $True$ when atleast one value is $True$. Hence co-domain of $A[p]$ will be $\{0,1\}$. Now $A[j] == 1$ when $A[j]==1$ or $j\%k \ != 0$ (inclusive OR). $A[j]==1$ won’t reveal us with much information regarding how $A[j]$ getting updated, so we need to analyze $j\%k$. 

$\text{if }j\%k ==0 \text{ then }\exists_{m \in \{1,2,\dots, \lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor\}} \ j = =mk$ 

$\implies A[j] == 1 \text{ when j is not a multiple of k}$


$k=2$, then $\forall_{n \geq j \geq 2+1} \ (2  \bcancel{|} j \implies \ A[j] == 1)$

$k=3$, then $\forall_{n \geq j \geq 3+1} \ (3  \bcancel{|} j \implies \ A[j] == 1)$

Its’ important to recall that we are updating the same array $A$ at $i^{th}$ index in every successive iteration of loop. Hence when $k=p$ then $\forall_{n \geq j \geq 3} \ (\exists_{m \in \{1,2,\dots,p\}} \ m \ \bcancel{|} \ j  \implies  A[j]==1)$. Its’ contrapositive can be written as $\forall_{n \geq j \geq 3} \  (A[j]==0 \implies  \forall_{m \in \{1,2,\dots,p\}} \ m \ | \ j )$.

This says for a value of $j$, if $A[j]==0$  then $j$ should be divisible by every integer from $1$ to $p$. This means that $j$ should be a multiple of every integer from $1$ to $p$, hence $j = p!$ and $p$ goes till $2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil$. 

After exiting nested loops, the $j$ value(s) for which $A[j]==0$ should be multiple of $(2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil)!$. But first we need to check if $(2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil)! \leq n$ ($\textbf{why?}$), because $j \leq n$. 

$$\begin{align}(2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil)! &\qquad n\cr \log {2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil!} &\qquad \log_2{n} \tag{log both sides} \cr 2*\log_2{n}\log_2{2*\log_2{n}} &\qquad \log_2{n}\end{align}$$

Clearly $(2*\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil)! > n$, hence for no value of $j \leq n$, $A[j]==0$. So no $j$ value will be printed in the last for-loop $or$ it would be an empty set.

Hence, $\textbf{Option D}$.

1 comment

@Sachin Mittal 1 Sir, can you please review this once. 


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