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Set Theory & Algebra: GATE CSE 2010 | Question: 4
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26 votes
26 votes

Consider the set $S = \{1, ω, ω^2\}$, where $ω$ and $ω^2$ are cube roots of unity. If $*$ denotes the multiplication operation, the structure $(S, *)$ forms

  1. A Group
  2. A Ring
  3. An integral domain
  4. A field
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4 Answers

Best answer
39 votes
39 votes
Answer: A
$$\underset{\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{} & \text{1}& \omega & \omega^2 \\\hline \text{1} & \text{1}& \omega & \omega^2 \\\hline \omega & \omega & \omega^2 & \text{1}\\\hline \omega^2 & \omega^2 & \text{1} & \omega\\\hline \end{array}}{\text{Cayley Table}}$$
The structure $(S,*)$ satisfies closure property, associativity and commutativity. The structure also has an identity element $(=1)$ and an inverse for each element. So, the structure is an Abelian group.
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14 votes
14 votes

In this question, only one binary operation is given so it cannot be a Ring or Integral domain or field.For Ring or Integral domain or for field there must be Two binary operations are required and the algebraic structure looks like (S ,+ ,⨉) .

So ,option b ,c and d are False.

 Now check the properties of groups.It satisfies all the conditions of groups.

Hence, it is a Group.

The correct answer is,(A) A Group

7 votes
7 votes
Its satisfies 1.closure property 2.associativity 3.identity element exists i.e 1 4.inverse element exist for each element So it is a group to attack these type of questions draw the composition table then it wl be easier ...

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