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Given below are five statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order.

Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.

  1.  Grapes are not sour.
  2.  Some grapes are sour.
  3.  All sour things are tasteless.
  4.  Some grapes are not tasteless.
  5.  No grape is tasteless.
  1. cea
  2. bdc
  3. cbd
  4. eac
in GATE retagged by

1 Answer

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Best answer
From those given options , option B and C we can eliminate first as in both cases the third statement is NOT a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.

Now coming to option D,  No grape is tasteless -> Grapes are not sour --- all sour things are tasteless , here 3 rd statement is not a conclusion from precedig two statements. 2nd statement should be  conclusion , not the 3rd statement as in this case.

For option A,

All sour things are tasteless --->  No grape is tasteless ---> so it is clear that Grapes are not sour.  here 3rd statement is a conclusion from preceding 2 statements .

Hence, correct option is option A .

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