in IIITs edited by
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I am expecting 55 marks this yea(2017) in 2016 my normalized score was 52.81 and gate score was 664 and AIR 1025..

I have good academic %s in 10th, 12th and have 8.6 CGPA in BE.

I didnt have any research paper published.

Is there any slight possiblity to get a call for any interview from IIT bombay or other old IITs ? either for RA or TA or integrated Ph.D n M.Tech.....or IIIT H or NSU/NTU.
I just want to get interviewed by them once before I drop Gate.

Although I had very good grip on core CS concepts, even in GO tests i scored 60+ ME also was doing well..did geeksforgeeks mocks with 65+ mrks..solved GFs tests..I didn't touched any institute's notes...didnt joined any institue neither this year nor last year...prepared sincerely from ref books.. .I don't know what went wrong, but somehow I failed this year :( I don't know what i should do..all I know is I don't want to do 9to5 job in some MNC where they hire us to do their left entry....i don't want to end up filling excel sheets..

Is there anything I can do....any suggestion will be much appreciated
in IIITs edited by

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I graduated in 2016 with BTech degree with around 8 dgpa. My rank in Gate 2016 was 1932.I got admitted in Jadavpur University, but I wanted to join IITB cs Mtech.So while studying ME in CS,I found out that I could not do both.So I left JU and gave GATE 2017,set 2 and I really prepared hard for this one but those silly mistakes I did,for which I might end up getting around 50-55 marks.So again no chance for IITB cs Mtech.But I want to give gate 2018 and also I had TCS job(on campus recruit during my Btech in CS) in my hand,which I cancelled this year.So I will drop this year to give gate 2018.You just have to crack once and thats it.IITB cs is all worth it.

2 Answers

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3 votes
Bro I am in same situation as you are in right now gate GATE CS 2017 set 2 approx 50-60 marks along with 9-5 MNC Newgen job but if I dont get IIT B RA this year then I am leaving my current job for one more dedicated attempt for GATE CS 2018 this time I am confident that I will get into IIT Bombay Mtech CS,you can apply for PSUs jobs like BARD ,DRDO and ISRO or you can go for IIIT Hyderabad,BITS have different entrance test.Dont give up on your dreams bro as I am also in this similar situation got GATE CS 2016 AIR 2581 set 1.
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It is worth dropping an year for GATE to get an admit in IISc or one of the IITs. My suggestions will be that if you are dropping, join a good GATE institute. It will help you. Most of the time when we are preparing alone, we loose a sense of how good our preparation is as there is nothing to comapre it with. Joining an institute will help you maintain a reality check and those frequent test series there will help you to correctly assess your preparation.

When we drop (speaking from personal experience), we feel like we have almost an year and we can take things slow. But time will fly away in whipe. So do not waste time. Start early and finish early so that later you can devote more time to solve questions, which I feel is the key to crack GATE. Also when we join some coaching institute we feel like making friends and hang out with them after classes go to movies etc etc, please do not do that. There will be plenty of time to do that in the IISc or IITs. Be a loner, focus on the studies and remove all the distractions from your life. It will help a lot.

Hope this helps. All the best.

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thank u sandeep :)
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