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Operating System: GATE CSE 2007 | Question: 11, ISRO2009-36, ISRO2016-21
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25 votes
25 votes

Consider a disk pack with $16$ surfaces, $128$ tracks per surface and $256$ sectors per track. $512$ bytes of data are stored in a bit serial manner in a sector. The capacity of the disk pack and the number of bits required to specify a particular sector in the disk are respectively:

  1. $256$ Mbyte, $19$ bits
  2. $256$ Mbyte, $28$ bits
  3. $512$ Mbyte, $20$ bits
  4. $64$ Gbyte, $28$ bits
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4 Answers

Best answer
44 votes
44 votes

Answer is (A).

$16$ surfaces $= 4$ bits, $128$ tracks $= 7$ bits, $256$ sectors $= 8$ bits, sector size $512$ bytes $= 9$ bits

Capacity of disk $= 2^{4+7+8+9} = 2^{28} = 256 \ MB$

To specify a particular sector we do not need sector size, so bits required $= 4+7+8 = 19$

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7 votes
7 votes

Disk capacity = total number of surfaces * no. of tracks per surface * amount of data per track  

 16 surfaces (4 bit) * 128 tracks per surface (7 bit) *  256 sectors per track (8 bit) *512 bytes of data


and to specify a particular sector we do not need sector size, so bits required = 4+7+8 = 19

0 votes
0 votes
Number of surfaces =16
Tracks per surface=128
Sectors per track=256
Data which will store per sector=512 bytes
Capacity of the disk = 16 surfaces X 128 tracks X 256 sectors X 512 bytes = 256 Mbytes.
The number of bits required to access a sector =Total number of sectors.
= 16 surfaces X 128 tracks X 256 sectors

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