in IIITs
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This is my first GATE attempt, score(CSE) is 680 and rank 869. I'm 2012 passout with Btech in ECE and having 4+ experience. Can somebody answer below questions:

1. Old IIT's and top 3 NIT's seems unlikely. Is it wise to go ahead with new IIT's or IIIT Bangalore/Delhi for Mtech? I understand IIITH is good but a lot would depend on its entrance exam.

2. Few Good colleges where its likely to get admission with my rank and what should be the preference order among IIIT Delhi, IIIT Bangalore, New IIT's, NIT's and BITS Pilani(Pilani offers only SS specilization for Non CSE branch)?

3. Any old IIT's is possible with this rank? Be it MS or Phd?
in IIITs

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