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I have a work experience of 2 years and 6 months, with expertise on Backend Development (Server side programming, Database Design, Cloud management etc.) and iOS App Development, in a startup company as Senior Software Engineer.

I wrote gate this year and my current situation is

I have got IIITB (IT), Data Analytics in NIT Trichy, expecting IIT Palakkad for Graph algorithms and MTech CSE in IIT Patna.

My whole plan to do masters is to do research / contribute / paper publishing relevant to my work experience as matter of enhancing my career as the first priority and placement as the second priority (atleast should get a job considering my previous year work experience with a decent hike). I also have a reason to do masters as I want it to be a back up plan for teaching in the late 40s or 50s.

Kindly help me in considering my priority among the colleges as I am pretty much confused coz some say IIT Tag matters, some say Top NITs like NIT Trichy is far better than new IITs ( but still it is a specialization and have pretty less idea about the stream and its scope and its relevance to my work experience and it has started new in NIT Trichy ).

Kindly help me considering the following factors:

work experience relevance, tag, future prospects, placements, faculty support.
in IISc/IITs recategorized by

2 Answers

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3 votes
Best answer
NIT Trichy Analytics -- as a streamwise should be good and same for placements. But NITs are far behind IITs in terms of what we learn which helps in future career growth.

For new IITs - it depends on how they are getting established. IITH has caught up very quickly and has already beaten IITR because IITR was a college converted to an IIT. IIT Patna and IIT Palakkad might be good -- I do not have more info about IIT Patna. IIT Palakkad faculties I see are from IISc but only few are there now. Research wise it would be good-- but not sure how many batchmates you get as other faculties are not present. I would suggest to do more research -- by visiting faculty pages -- of IIT Patna and IIT Palakkad and decide the better. I'm not sure of the standing of IIITB but surely must be above any NIT at least in terms of learning experience.
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NIT Trichy Data Analytics updated to NIT Trichy Computer Science and Engineering.
Nit trichy data analytics vs bits pilani cse?
Anyone looking for Masters' or Phd in Network Science or NLP can consider IIT Patna as an option if you cant make it to the top IIT's.
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can you please share your rank ???
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