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Test by Bikram | Theory of Computation | Test 2 | Question: 27 / GATE Overflow for GATE CSE
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1 votes
1 votes

Which of the following regular expressions does not generate the following language?

$\{w \mid \text{ the length of }w \text{ is at most }4\} \text{ where } \Sigma = \{a,b\}$

  1. $( \epsilon  + \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma + \Sigma \Sigma \Sigma) $ 
  2. $( \epsilon + \Sigma \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma + \Sigma \Sigma)$
  3. $( \epsilon + \Sigma \Sigma \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma + \Sigma \Sigma)$
  4. $( \epsilon + \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma) ( \epsilon + \Sigma)$
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