in GATE retagged by
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3 votes
Hi! I want to prepare for Gate 2018 and it's aleady 24 Oct today. So is it possible to crack Gate with decent score like 50 or above? I wrote Gate 2017 without any preparation and got 29 marks. I know I'm late but I'm ready to give 13-14 hours per day from today only. I've videos of Ravindrbabau Rvaulla sir too for preparartion. Please guide me. I'm determined to crack gate 2018 this time.Please advise me.
in GATE retagged by


I have only two questions to you:

1. What will you do even if you get 50 marks in G2018, because your rank with these marks will be more > 1500.

2. "I'm ready to give 13-14 hours per day from today only" there is a huge difference b/w saying and doing it in actual, right?

@manu00x Veteran...Since I'm starting late, I would be happier to get into a decent NIT and then again prepare for Gate 2019 while preparing for semesters there because I don't want to lose 1 more year. I know I should have started a lot earlier but due to some serious health issue (eye stoke in my left eye), I couldn't start from June or July. But now that I'm completely recovered now, I'm super determined and pumped up to give 13-14 hours per day consistently. All I need is a proper schedule of the order of subjects to be prepared and strategy to cover all the concepts as quickly as possible so that I can get some reasonable time to practice the previous year questions and give some test-series too.
@Shivam Chauhan...Thanks bro..I owe you a lot for this... So, after covering every topic, I should practice all the previous years' questions on that topic? Right? And one more doubt, should I start the prepararation with Engineering Mathematics or should I take it last before verbal ability or should I prepare it simultaneously with CS subjects? Please help me with this
@Avinash Good Luck!!
But I still have one more doubt. Whether to start with Engineering Mathematics or simultaneously preparing it with other CS subjects or preparing it at last before verbal ability?

You should definitely start with Engineering Mathematics and try to cover as much syllabus as you can.

Also do every previous year questions of gate only. Here are the books for previous year questions  Complete them.


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