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i completed 6 subject till now . (ds &c , daa,toc,cd,os,rdbms ) and 5 subject are remaining (co, dcld ,cn ,discrete mathematics)but till now i am not doing privous year gate question of these subject ..


what will be the right dicision for me . doing remaing subject first or doing privous year gate question


i am confused what to do .


** can you please suggest me . some important topic of remaining subject like (co, dcld ,cn ,discrete mathematics ) which are more scoring. gate mostly ask from those topics .


Doing previous yr questions is most important. But you should not also leave some subjects that are easy and scoring. Digital Logic is pretty easy subject, you can cover it in 5-6 days. Discrete Maths and CN have some good weightage. Whether they are easy or not depends on how you studied them during your BTech. You might face some difficulty doing CO, especially if studying for the first time. This is based on my experience. It differs for everyone. Only you know your capabilities and can decide better by yourself.

I also have 3 subjects remaining (OS, DBMS, CN), really BIG subjects. But I have planned to complete them till the year ends.

Yeah, I want to give my opinion too, I actually started preparing from September Itself and within 1st month I did OS,DBMS & CN only, but I did a big mistake of not solving any previous year simultaneously... I plan to finish everything before my 7th Semester Exams though.
And yeah! If you put you thoroughly practice on Algo,DS and programming part you can solve any kind of questions.
Main headache is Computer Organization....
Well, majority of it is easy but some of it's questions are so tricky, to the extent that sometimes you need to formulate your own approach to solve problems, and you'll have to be extremely lucky for your hunch to be right on the day of exam.
And yes, Focusing on Maths and aptitude is like a Jackpot... Boosting your marks heavily, so don't even dream of leaving them
TOC, Compiler and Digital are all on your practice! the more you do, the better you get!

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