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5 votes

Which of the following related to snowflake schema is true?

  1. Each dimension is represented by a single dimensional table
  2. Maintenance efforts are less
  3. Dimension tables are normalized
  4. It is not an extension of star schema
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2 Answers

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5 votes

Snowflake Schema Example

Snowflake schema consists of a fact table surrounded by multiple dimension tables 

  • Each dimension is represented by multiple dimension tables . 1 is false
  • Maintenance efforts are more. 2 is false
  • Dimension tables are normalized (usually in 3 NF) . 3 is True (NB: But in star scheme it may not be true always)
  • It is an extension of star schema. 4 is false

 answer is 3


1 comment

IS It in GATE 2021 sylaabus too?, I mean a hidden topic kinda.
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(C) should be answer

 snowflaking is normalization of the dimension tables by removing low cardinality attributes and forming separate tables.

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