4 votes
4 votes
Given 4 children lives in Mrs. A home. One fine day Mrs. A reveals to Mr. A that atleast 1 out of 4 children is a girl. Probability that there are exactly 3 girl in Mrs. A's home __________

2 Answers

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1 votes

all possibilities;-

(G,B) = (0,4), (1,3), (2,2), (3,1), (4,0)

it is given that :-

 atleast 1 out of 4 children is a girl:-

 now new sample space would be:-  (1,3), (2,2), (3,1), (4,0)

propability for exactly three girls:- means propability of (3,1):-  i.e  1/4

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Case where there is 1 girl-  4

Case when there are 2 girls- 6

Case when there are 3 girls- 4

Case when there are 4 girls- 1

total cases= 15

P(with exactly 3 girls)= 4/15

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