in Verbal Aptitude
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1 vote
Please explain me why are we changing these sentences to (Common Errors) :

1. I have read several poetries      -> I have read several poems.

2. I saw two females there.            -> I saw two women there.

3. My all friends are absent.          ->  All my friends are absent.

4. It is All India Radio                       -> This is All India Radio.

5. The climate of Ranchi is              -> The climate of Ranchi is better than that of Patna.

     better than Patna.

6. He has no any pen                      -> He has not any pen.

7. My son's health is                       -> My son's health is very good.

    too good.

8. It was bitter cold.                         -> It was bitterly cold.

9.This novel is much interesting.   -> This novel is very interesting.
in Verbal Aptitude

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