in Graph Theory edited by
7 votes
7 votes

The number of edges in a regular graph of degree: $d$ and $n$ vertices is:

  1. maximum of $n$ and $d$ 
  2. $n +d$
  3. $nd$
  4. $nd/2$
in Graph Theory edited by

3 Answers

10 votes
10 votes
Best answer
as every vertex has degree d,so sum of degrees is n*d.

we know 2* number of edges = sum of degrees

          so,2*E = nd

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2 votes
2 votes
Regular graph, a graph in which all vertices have same degree.

example:- if n=3 and d=2 so there are 3*2/2 = 3 edges.
                 if n=4 and d=2 so there are 4*2/2 = 4 edges. and so on.

So option D is correct.
2 votes
2 votes

Every complete graph with n vertices(Kn) is a regular graph of degree 'n-1' therefore 

no. of edges in Kn=n(n-1)/2


                           = ( n * d ) / 2


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