in IISc/IITs
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My gate rank is AIR 166. I have retain and wait Kanpur seat from Round1. I have not been offered admission from IIT Madras as of now.So under last COAP round if i accept and freeze IIT Kanpur does IIT Madras allow me for Spot round. There were some people saying that If we accept and freeze the seat offered from different IIT then we cannot apply for Spot round.

Seniors from your experience please help
in IISc/IITs


Hey! Do not listen to random mouths . It is a big decision so go official. Ping to IITM. Drop a mail.. And ask them. I have read almost all the official brochures and I did not find clear information about spot rounds. So, people will just put their opinions in front of you on this matter which might not be correct information.
Thank you.

Yes there is no clarity on spot admissions.
Hey Sri Divya, I too am suffering from same situation. If you get any official response from IITM, please do upate it here also. Thanks.

And one more thing if after the COAP 4th round, seats are still empty in IITM then I think IITM will organize its own separate counseling before spot round.
I am also suffering from the condition of accept and freeze in round 4. Now I am not eligible for spot rounds in other IITs

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