in Probability retagged by
18 votes
18 votes

An unbiased die is thrown $n$ times. The probability that the product of numbers would be even is

  1. $\dfrac{1}{(2n)}$
  2. $\dfrac{1}{[(6n)!]}$
  3. $1 - 6^{-n}$
  4. $6^{-n}$
  5. None of the above
in Probability retagged by

5 Answers

21 votes
21 votes
Best answer
Even number =$ 2,4,6$
odd number = $1,3,5$
Product will come even when even one time even number comes
odd product will be if every time odd comes

so, $P(Even) = 1- P(odd)$

$= 1- {^n}C{_n}\times \left(\dfrac{3}{6}\right)^{0}\times \left(\dfrac{3}{6}\right)^{n}$
$= 1- \left(\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^{n}$

Correct Answer: $E$
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Prob. of product being even = Favorable outcome/Total outcomes = (6n - 3n)/6n= 1- 1/2n

Total = 6n

Favor. = 6n - [no. formed by only 1,3,5] =6n - 3n

9 votes
9 votes

Here we need to find the probability that at least one time even number should come.

Product of Even and Odd = Even

Product of Even and Even =Even

Product of Odd and Odd =Odd

=1 - probability of coming only odds in "n" throws 


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4 votes
4 votes

The product will come even when at least one time an even number comes in n rolls.

P(even in 1 roll) =P(odd in 1 roll) =3/6 =1/2 

P(atleast one time even in n rolls) = 1 - P(all times odd in n rolls) = 1 - 1/2n

Hence ,the correct answer is 1 - 1/2

Option (e) None of the above ,is the ans.

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only one possibility product will be odd when all the numbers is odd.

total possiblities - 6^n

prob that will be odd= 1/6^n

so prob that even will be 1- prob that will be odd = 1-6^-n so answer c.. what is wrong with my approch

Probability of getting Odd number is (3/6)^n, not (1/2)^n. Our sample space is  {1,2,3,4,5,6} in this there are 3 odd numbers. So probability of getting odd number in single throw is 3/6

2 votes
2 votes

Odd Numbers = $1,3,5$

Even Numbers = $2,4,6$

Product will be odd iff all n throws result in an odd number

$P(\text{Even product}) = 1 - P(\text{Odd product}) $

There are 3 Odd numbers, so for $n$ throws there are $3^n$ ways in which product will result in an odd number.

$P(\text{Odd product}) =$$\Large \frac{3^n}{6^n} $

$P(\text{Even product}) = 1 - \Large \frac{3^n}{6^n}   = \Large \frac{6^n - 3^n}{6^n}  = \Large \frac{2^n . 3^n - 3^n}{2^n.3^n} =  \Large \frac{3^n( 2^n - 1)}{2^n.3^n} = \Large \frac{( 2^n - 1)}{2^n} =\large 1 - \Large \frac{1}{2^n}   $

e.  None of the above


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