in Quantitative Aptitude
3 votes
3 votes

Consider the equation $x^{2}+y^{2}-3z^{2}-3t^{2}=0$. The total number of integral solutions of this equation in the range of the first $10000$ numbers, i.e., $1 \leq x, y, z, t \leq 10000$, is

  1. $200$
  2. $55$
  3. $100$
  4. $1$
  5. None of the above
in Quantitative Aptitude


is answer  1 here can we apply Descartes' Rule of Signs   to calculate maximum no of zeroes  it can have

1 Answer

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Best answer

We can use this property of squares to reach the solution

The Square of a natural number other than one is either a multiple of 3 or exceeds a multiple of 3 by 1.
In other words, a perfect square leaves remainder 0 or 1 on division by 3.

Given equation is

$x^2+y^2=3(z^2+t^2)$ This implies $x^2+y^2$  would be a multiple of $3.$

There are $4$ possibilities for $x^2$ and $y^2$

  1. $x^2=3a$ and $y^2=3b+1$ so $x^2+y^2= 3(a+b)+1$ won't be multiple of 3 so reject  such type of x and y
  2. $x^2=3a+1$ and $y^2=3b+1$ so $x^2+y^2=3(a+b)+2$ won't be multiple of 3 so reject  such type of x and y
  3. $x^2=3a+1$ and $y^2=3b$ // same as possibility 1) so reject
  4. $x^2=3a$ and $y^2=3b$  so $x^2+y^2=3(a+b)$ // multiple of 3 so x and y would be of such type

Thus, here we can simplify the equation to $3(a+b)=3(z^2+t^2)$

$\implies a+b=z^2+t^2$ // if we observe square of numbers then we can see that $a+b$ would also be a multiple of $3$ and more clearly it would be like $3\times p$ where $p$ is not multiple of $3.$

As the previous $4$ possibilities there are again $4$ possibilities for $z^2+t^2.$ Now as $a+b$ is a multiple of $3,$ $z^2+t^2$ must also be a multiple of $3.$ So, $z^2=3c$ and $t^2=3d.$

Let $a+b=3p$ and $3p=3(c+d)$

so eventually $p=c+d.$ According to my last claim $c+d$ must also be multiple of $3$ but $p$ won't be a multiple of three so this $p$ can never be equal to $c+d.$

Hence No Solution. Option E

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Could you please explain the below part?

we can see that a+b would also be a multiple of 3 and more clearly it would be like 3×p where p is not multiple of 3.
" p is not multiple of 3 ", How can we be sure about it ?
@Rupendra Choudhary sir ?

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