in Computer Networks edited by
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Which of the following statements is FALSE for the generator $x^{6}$+1?

S1: This generator can detect all burst errors with a length of 5 bits.

S2: This generator can detect some but not all burst errors with a length of 6 bits.
in Computer Networks edited by

2 Answers

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The statement S1 is true and S2 is false.

The given polynomial is: $x^6+1$

The highest degree of the polynomial is 6

So all the burst errors with Length<=6 will be detected. So

S1:This generator can detect all burst errors with a length of 5 bits: True

S2:This generator can detect some but not all burst errors with a length of 6 false as all errors of length 6 can be detected..
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both are true as there is proof that it can detect burst error equal to its degree with probility =  1 – (1/2)^(r-1)

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