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I am stressed out sitting at home full time to study,I dont know if I am doing the right thing.Need counselling.Need to complete 4 subjects more.I feel like I have wasted alot of time in my bachelors.


I have seen people completing syllabus just before 15 days got 2 digit ranks because  Questions are tricky not difficult and they were calm & composed with good understanding of basics. If you understand concepts very well it is enough.  Solve only 10 previous yeaf questions from each topic and finish syllabus asap.  You are depressed because you are trying to approximate idea to action. Just keep preparing without thinking about the past and future. And also don't compare yourself with any past topper or present aspirant.
You should now study by topics than by subjects.  Will suggest you to first refer notes from standard university sites if you are good at reading.  Watch video only if you can't understand mere by reading. Learn topics and solve you ought to know better.

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Hi @sripo.

We all waste time during our bachelors, don't we? Chill.

I'll say the same thing I have been saying to many who are stressed out and tensed when they have a lot to cover in a short time. 


Enjoy solving. Understanding. Cracking GATE isn't your end goal rather a start of something exciting and probably beautiful. I suggest that you focus on getting "your" prize. 

"your" prize? What bullshit motivational philosophy is he saying, you might think, loud.

"your" prize is basically your Nobel or Pulitzer or Fields. What do you want to do in life so that you will be content, you will reward yourself the most amazing prize. 

Do you want to build a billion dollar AI company? If you did, reward yourself a @sripo Award, which is as awesome as a Nobel.

Do you want to cure Alzheimer's? Parkinson's?  Awesome man, you see where I'm going? 

Many fall into the trap of thinking top GATE rank and thus institute will get "your" prize from yourself, I'm afraid it's not. It's an exam just like many you wrote. Remember how you aced that piece of shit college test

You are going to ace GATE  (provided you don't think about loosing, worrying and stressing out, maybe, lol) 

Can't solve a question and saw the answer? No worries man, it happens. 

Forgot a concept, aww shit, let me learn it again.

Fret not rather enjoy and embrace. Decorate your flaws, hang them on your walls, look at them every single day you wake up. Know your weakness more than your strengths.

You'll get stronger. 

Be solid about your end goal. Moonshot programs are history (got the pun, everybody? eh?), Mars-shot is the future.

One amazing goal, all ways converging to it. 

Does it require GATE? Then crack it. 

Does it require an MBA? Then get it. 

Do you want to start your unicorn startup? Then stop reading this answer and write the B-Plan, raise some cash and work hard.

At the end all it matters whether "YOU", only YOU have given yourself that reward of yours, not anybody in the world. 

That reward is literally the best feeling you will ever get. (...maybe taking a dump after a long wait comes close..but's let's be more civil here, huh?)

You have 4 subjects left, pfffft, easy shit. Tell me something more exciting. If you're stressed for simple, small reasons think how in the future you'll cope for way way bigger fuck ups.

There's no Right? When nothing is working take a break man. Go play some basketball, eat a nice meal, run, play a video game, etc. 

Hey @sripo, it's time you think ahead, GATE will come naturally.   

Go. Get "your" prize, the @sripo award. 

I'll be proud.



P.S ( I should start, wanna do this together? :P )

P.P.S I have lost a lot too.

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