in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by
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Study the following table and answer the question:
$$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \text{Dry fruits} & \text{% of sugar} & \text{% of protein} & \text{% of Fibre} & \text{Cost per 250 grams (in Rs)} \\ \hline \text{Raisins} & 12 & 18 & 30 & 8 \\ \hline \text{Badam} & 15 & 20 & 10 & 10 \\ \hline \text{Cashew} & 20 & 10 & 40 & 7 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Which of the following dry fruits contains the maximum amount of sugar?

  1. Raisins worth RS. $16$
  2. Badam worth RS.$15$
  3. Cashew worth RS.$8$
  4. All the three worth RS. $12.5$ ($125$ gms of each)
in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by

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option D is misleading. is it 125 gm or each of 12.5

1 Answer

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(A) $\rightarrow$ Raisins worth Rs. $16$.
$8 \%$ ------ $250$ grams
$16 \%$ ----- ?
$\frac{16}{8} \times 250 =500$ grams
(B) $\rightarrow$ Badam worth Rs. $15$
$10 \%$ ---- $250$ grams
$15 \%$ ---- ?
$\frac{16}{8} \times 250=375$ grams
$\%$ of sugar = $15 \% \times 375 =56.25 $ grams.
(C) $\rightarrow$ Cashew worth Rs. $8$
$7 \%$ ---- $250$ grams
$8 \%$ ---- ?
$\frac{8}{7} \times 250 =285.71 \approx 286$ grams
$\%$ of sugar = $20 \% \times 286 =57.14$ grams
(D) $\rightarrow$ $125$ grams of each
Raisins $=125 \times 12 \% =15$
Badam $=125 \times 15 \% =18.75$
Cashew $=125 \times 20 \% =25$
$\Rightarrow \: 58.75$
Hence option (A) is answer as the maximum amount of sugar is in Raisins.

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