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First time posting something non technical.

Today Madeeasy CBT mock 1 result came and i am very disappointed by my performance.

After preparing so sincerely it feels very bad.Most of people says CBT is replica of performance in gate. During my entire prep feeling low for first time :( and at very last time.

Helpful if some senior person helps on this. :( Thanks
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1 comment

There is no relation between made easy CBT and gate exam. gate never asks aptitude of such level and gate never gives the question like finding candidate keys of  (A,B,C,D,E,F) with 8 relations in 1 mark.

Just be confident and don't compare yourself with toppers. Focus on yourself.All the best.

today I was giving advance level 8 of made easy and in that topper score is 99/100 and he has taken 1hr 5 min to complete it and in some questions he has taken 0 second to attempt question and they are correct.  So if you compare yourself with made easy toppers you will never gain any confidence and only doubt yourself.

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