in Databases
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Given answer: D
Please explain

in Databases

2 Answers

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Don't know whether my approach is correct or not.

You have to select all the 'name' from relation 'students' where name are ending in 'A' and could have anything (or nothing) at the starting.

Statement D is "select * from students where name >='A' and name <'B';"

name >='A' and name <'B' means:-
name >='A' means name could begin with A or greater than A i.e., B,C...,Z but name <'B' means name should end with alphabet less than B which is A. (Don't know may be ASCII code comparison)

So, statement D is equivalent to the given statement.


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1 vote
It is also asked before and it depends on how the charter are compared, , and they are different fr different for different dbms software

so it may never be asked in gate.

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