in Probability
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There are eight coins, seven of which have the same weight and the other one weighs more. In order to find the coin having more weight, a person randomly chooses two coins and puts one coin on each side of a common balance. If these two coins are found to have the same weight, the person then randomly chooses two more coins from the rest and follows the same method as before. The probability that the coin will be identified at the second draw is

  1. $1/2$
  2. $1/3$
  3. $1/4$
  4. $1/6$
in Probability

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Ans $\frac{1}{4}?$

2 Answers

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Key points 

  • There are eight coins, seven of which have the same weight and the other one weighs more.
  •  the coin will be identified at the second draw 

Now how to identified in $2 nd $ draw?

In $1st $ draw , we must drawn $2$ unequal weight coin. Now, pick one coin from rest and put in common balance with any one of $2$ previous coin.

If it is equal weight, another coin of $1 st$ draw has more weight. This is only one possibility for it.

Now, maximum possibility will be $4.$ 

  • Pick $1st$ two coin in common balance and got equal weight
  • Pick next two coin in common balance and got equal weight
  • Pick next two coin in common balance and got equal weight
  • Now, pick only one coin and balance with any prev coin. If it has equal weight, then $8 th$ coin has more weight. Otherwise $7th$ one.

So, probability will be $\frac{1}{4}$

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B. 1/3
5C1 . 1C1 / 6C2 = 5/15 = 1/3

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its  $\frac{7C2}{8C2} .\frac{5C1.1C1}{6C2} = \frac{3}{4}.\frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{4}$

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