in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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An award-winning study by a  group of researchers suggests that men are as prone to buying on impulse as women but women feel more guilty about shopping.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given text?

  1. Some men and women indulge in buying on impulse
  2. All men and women indulge in buying on impulse
  3. Few men and women indulge in buying on impulse
  4. Many men and women indulge in buying on impulse
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Electrical 4 years ago by Arjun

2 Answers

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Best answer
"men are as prone to buying on impulse as women"

This means there are "Some men" and "some women" who buy on impulse.

So, option A is true.
Option B is false as the passage does not say all men and women buy on impulse.

Option C is false as "Few" means almost none and "prone to buying" means the number is not so insignificant.

Option D can be debated as correct as the meaning of "many" can be ambiguous. Still option A is a safer pick.

Correct Answer: Option A.
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Sir , if it was an MSQ then both A and D will be correct?

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Answer C 

Because it is the correct grammatical construction.

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What is wrong in other constructions?

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