in Object Oriented Programming edited by
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Consider the following C++ function f():

unsigned int f(unsigned int n) {
    unsigned int b=0;
    while (n) {
        b+=n & 1;
return b;

The function f() returns the int that represents the ____P____ in the binary representation of positive integer n, where P is

  1. number of $0$’s
  2. number of bits
  3. number of consecutive $1$’s
  4. number of $1$’s
in Object Oriented Programming edited by

1 Answer

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Ans $4)$

Program counting number of $1.$

It is given in question, that $n$ represent, binary representation for $n.$

Now, if we check 'while' loop, $b$ is increments it's value only  when last digit of $n$ is $1.$ and then it is right sifting the value.

So, $b$ is returning nothing but number of $1's$ in $n.$

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