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Theory of Computation: How to construct compound Automata ? and find the no of states in minimal FA ?

2 Answers

Best answer
16 votes
16 votes

The above problem is Intersection of Two problems 

1. All binary strings ending with 01, having regular expressoin $(0+1)^*01$, having DFA $M_1$

2. All binary strings of even length , having regular expression $((0+1)(0+1))^*$ , having DFA $M_2$

Take Intersection of $M_1$ and $M_2$, using cross product, having $x_0y_0$ as start state and $x_2y_0$ as final states( where we have both finals together)

$Q$\ $\Sigma$ $0$ $1$
$\rightarrow x_0y_0$ $x_1y_1$ $x_0y_1$
$x_1y_1$ $x_1y_0$ $x_2y_0$
$x_0y_1$ $x_1y_0$ $x_0y_0$
$x_1y_0$ $x_1y_1$ $x_2y_1$
$x_2y_0^*$ $x_1y_1$ $x_0y_1$
$x_2y_1$ $x_1y_0$ $x_0y_0$

Minimized DFA will be 

$Q$\ $\Sigma$ $0$ $1$
$\rightarrow x_0y_0$ $x_1y_1$ $x_0y_1$
$x_1y_1$ $x_0y_0$ $x_2y_0$
$x_0y_1$ $x_0y_0$ $x_0y_0$
$x_2y_0^*$ $x_1y_1$ $x_0y_1$

selected by
–4 votes
–4 votes
REGULAR EXPRESSION     (00+01+10+11)*(01).

further optimization could be done

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