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A company needs to develop a strategy for software product development for which it has a choice of two programming languages $L1$and $L2$. The number of Lines Of Code (LOC) developed using $L2$ is estimated to be twice the LOC developed with $L1$. The product will have to be maintained for five years. Various parameters for the company are given in the table below:

$$\begin{array}{|l||l|l|}\hline\textbf{Parameter}&\textbf{Language L1}&\textbf{Language L2}\\\hline\text{Man years needed for development}&\text{LOC/10000}&\text{LOC/10000}\\\hline\text{Development cost per man year}&\text{Rs. 10,00,000}&\text{Rs. 7,50,000}\\\hline\text{Maintenance time}&\text{5 years}&\text{5 years}\\\hline\text{Cost of maintenance per year}&\text{Rs. 1,00,000}&\text{Rs. 50,000}\\\hline\end{array}$$

Total cost of the project includes cost of development and maintenance. What is the LOC for $L1$ for which the cost of the project using $L1$is equal to the cost of the project using $L2$?

  1. $4000$
  2. $5000$
  3. $4333$
  4. $4667$
in IS&Software Engineering retagged by

1 Answer

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Given let Let LOC of L1=x, so LOC of L2=2x

Now, for L1

man year needed for development = LOC/10000

development cost per man year=(LOC/10000)*1000000

maintenance time =5 year

cost of maintenance per year=100000

total maintenance cost=5*100000

total cost for L1=(x/10000)*1000000 + 5*100000 =100x+500000


now for L2

man year needed for development =LOC/10000

development cost per man year=(LOC/10000)*750000

maintenance time =5 year

cost of maintenance per year=50000

total maintenance cost=5*50000

Total cost for L2= (2x/10000)*750000 + 5*50000=150x+250000

if  put x=5000 both give 1000000 same cost

Ans should be 5000 Option B


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